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Foto: Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Foto: FSC Forest Stewardship Council

FSC Forest Stewardship Council

The Acrimet considers important the preservation of the environment and the origin of its raw material. The plates used for making MDF clipboards are certified by FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). FSC certification is a voluntary process in which an independent organization, called certifying, performs the evaluation of the operation of forest enterprises checking whether it complies with environmental, economic and social best practices, that are part of the International Principles and Criteria FSC (

Moreover, in its distribution center, Acrimet treats its effluents through a treatment plant itself capable of meeting 100% of the demand of the operation. The treatment plant was sized predicting the company's expansion in this location.

Megacril Ind. Com. Prod. Acrílicos Metalúrgicos Ltda.
LOSTRES Publicidade
Av. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, 450 - CEP: 09850-300 - S鉶 Bernardo do Campo - SP - Brazil

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