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Foto: Warehousing and Distribution Center

Warehousing and Distribution Center

Foto:  Factory and Office

Factory and Office

Founded in 1972, Acrimet is a company with main focus on the creation, development, manufacturing and distribution of organizing products for office, home and school. For many years, Acrimet has been the leading company in these markets, with over 70% market share in Brazil, a position achieved through action guided by ethics and dynamism in business, responsibility and respect for clients and substantial investments in research and development.

In recent years Acrimet has shown significant share in the international market, exporting to several countries, being  market leader in some of them. The main goal of Acrimet is to create a working environment that inspires organization, convenience, efficiency and elegance, with organizing accessories designed to improve job satisfaction, such as letter trays, pencil holders, clips holders, memo holders, organizers, binders, exhibitors, clipboards, hanging folders and a complete line for key organization.

Moreover, Acrimet also works with a range of products specially developed for use in schools, such as rulers, square sets, protractors, and folders. Featuring modern facilities, Acrimet has an industrial infrastructure that efficiently operationalizes its plant, working on large-scale production and advanced automation, allowing Acrimet be very competitive in all markets where it is present.

Megacril Ind. Com. Prod. Acrílicos Metalúrgicos Ltda.
LOSTRES Publicidade
Av. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, 450 - CEP: 09850-300 - S鉶 Bernardo do Campo - SP - Brasil

Site destinado apenas para vitrine de produtos.

2018, Acrimet. Todos os direitos reservados.